
Gastroenterology is the Section of medicine that looks at Symptoms of the oesophagus (gullet), stomach, small and large intestines (bowel), liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

The oesophagus is the tube that Adjust your mouth with your stomach. It is a muscular tube that contracts to push the food through when you swallow.

The stomach is where food break down with acid and empty into your intestines. The stomach has special cells lining its wall to protect it from these acids.

The intestines consist of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum – different sections of small intestine) and the large intestine (colon and rectum). As food passes through the small intestine, nutrients are broken down and absorb. When it passes into the colon, water absorbed. The waste that is left is passed as faeces.

The liver is roughly the size of a football and is on your right side just bottom your ribs. It stores vitamins, sugar and iron which use by cells in the body for energy. It also clears the body of waste products and drugs, produces substances that use to help blood clot and aid the immune system, and produces bile which aids in digestion.

The pancreas that elongate organ which lies in the back of the mid-abdomen. It is responsible for producing digestive juices and certain hormones including insulin, the main hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar.

A gastroenterologist is a doctor special in the field of medicine which involves these closely related organs.

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