Emergencydrug Shop is the latest international and technical medicine shop which is selling brand medicine, dispensing, and reviewing drugs and providing additional health services. It is a health care provider that links the health sciences with pharmaceutical sciences and aims to ensure the safe, effective and affordable use of drugs.
Emergencydrug Shop
This online service is a Community-based provider who responsibilities include: checking and dispensing of prescription drugs, providing advice on drug selection and usage to doctors and other health professionals and counseling patients in health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines.
Categorization of Emergencydrug Shop Operations
All drug should operate on the principle of making the safety and welfare of customers the prime concern. All pharmaceutical service providers are given to operate in a secure and safe environment in accordance with legal and professional requirements and present an image that enhances pharmaceutical service.
A two-tier categorization of Emergencydrug Shop service levels is based on training qualifications, skills and competencies, premises condition, and category of medicines/products to be handled. To be called a “Modern” outlet, it must meet the appropriate standards to be accredited by the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA).
Emergencydrug Shop (Level I): This level of service will be provided, managed, or supervised by an A grade pharmacist who is present on the premises. B or C grade pharmaceutical personnel may assist with dispensing under the supervision of the A grade pharmacist.
Emergencydrug Shop (Level Il): This level of service will be carried out, at a minimum, by a person with B grade qualification.
The standards for Emergencydrug Shop follow these principles:
- The governance arrangements are made with the aim of safeguarding the health, safety, and well-being of patients and the public.
- The personnel are empowered and competent to provide desired services to safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of patients and the public.
- The environment and condition of premises from which pharmaceutical services are provided and any associated premises, regardless of level of service, safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of patients and the public.
- The way in which pharmaceutical services are provided and medicines and medical devices are managed and delivered safeguards the health, safety, and well-being of patients and the public.
- The equipment, facilities, or utilities used during the provision of pharmaceutical services safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of the patient and the public.
Emergencydrug Shop Exist Requirements
a. Have a Bangladesh NID
b. Have a TIN
c. Have a Trade License
Technical Personnel:
All A, B or C grade pharmaceutical personnel working
in the Emergencydrug must undergo a PCB approved 30 hour orientation (A
and B grade) or 80 hour dispensing training course (C grade)
Supervision of Model Pharmacy:
a. Grade A pharmacist registered by Pharmacy Council
b. Have one week Pharmacy Council approved orientation training
Contract between Emergencydrug and Pharmacist in charge:
a. Every owner and Manufacturer-in-charge must sign a legally binding
a. Permanent structure
b. Leakage free roof and ceiling
c. Customer Friendly Websites
d. Have surfaces/floors/walls with smooth finish that can washed with
e. Have a source of potable water
f. Minimum 300 square feet space with at least 8 feet height
g. Electricity and backup power supply
h. Sink with running water
i. A “No Smoking” sign
j. A sign indicating operating hours
k. Adequate air conditioner (AC)so that ambient temperature does not exceed 30 degree Celsiusl. Thermometer to monitor room temperature 4
m. Pharmacy grade refrigerator
n. Electronic alarm system or CCTV security cameras at a minimum areas where scheduled medicines stor.
o. Dispensing area, counseling area, prescription drop off and collection
points, OTC and prescription only medicine storage area
p. All medicines dispensed must register by DGDA
Objectives of Emergencydrug [5]
Develop BCC strategy for engaging consumers in ensuring the quality, appropriateness, or affordability of the pharmaceuticals/services.
Develop branding strategy to create brand awareness.
Target Audience [5]
Primary Audience: Consumers of medicines and potential consumers (mass people).
Secondary Audience: Medicine sellers and medicine shop owners both rural and urban.
Tertiary Audience: Stakeholders at 3 levels such as: Central, District and Big Cites.
Emergencydrug Outlets [6]
Emergencydrug is a priority initiative of Bangladesh and implement by the Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA).
To provide authentic medicines at competitive price, Emergencydrug will procure medicines directly from leading pharmaceutical manufacturers. Proper
conditions for storage, compounding and dispensing will maintain and there will no risk of expire or counterfeit medicines. Other services will include digital patient database and safe disposal of unused medicines.
Showing 1–12 of 71 results
Afanix (Afatinib) 40MG
$265.00 -
Alecinix (Alectinib) 150 MG
$1,110.00 -
Alecnib (Alectinib) 150 Mg
$230.00 -
Axinix (Axitinib) 1 MG – 60 Tablets
$174.00 -
Axinix (Axitinib) 5 MG
$190.00 -
Briganix (Brigatinib) 180 MG – 30 Tablets
$665.00 -
Briganix (Brigatinib) 90 MG
$375.00 -
Caboxen (Cabozantinib) 20 MG – 90 Capsules
$220.00 -
Caboxen (Cabozantinib) 80 MG – 30 Capsules
$225.00 -
Cabozanix (Cabozantinib) 20 MG – 90 Capsules
$810.00 -
Cabozanix (Cabozantinib) 60 MG – 30 Tablets
$890.00 -
Cabozanix (Cabozantinib) 80 MG – 30 Capsules