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Different types of drug which are specially Known as a Cancer Medicine in the market. This site sells the best Cancer Drug product all over the world.

Our aim is to be the Internet’s most trusted resource for drug and related health information. We will achieve this aim by presenting independent objective, comprehensive and up-to-date information in a clear and concise format for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

You can find the information about pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, ambulance services & 24 hour pharmacy in Bangladesh including their name, address and phone number.

You can find medical related news (both local and international) & health tips in our news section.

You can also ask any kind of medical related questions & give any kind of comments in our feedback page; we will try to give you the answers.

Our goal is to bring you current, accurate, and helpful information about drugs available in Bangladesh market. For this purpose we took help from the journals of different pharmaceutical companies, the website of different pharmaceutical companies, the website of Directorate of Drug Administration (DDA), the Quick index of medical problems(QIMP), Doctors directory ,different hospital websites, different pharmacy(drug store), different medical and pharmaceutical websites, different pharmacological books.