10 Healthy Foods That Can Prevent Breast Cancer
hasan Prince
25 May, 2022
Generally, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. One out of eight women experiences breast cancer during their lifetime. You can not ensure specific foods can help you cure cancer. But you can choose foods wisely that can help you prevent breast cancer.
Generally, DNA damage, inflammation, genetic mutations, etc are responsible for breast cancer. You can not confirm how much a specific food can prevent the disease. However, certain healthy foods can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 25 to 30%. Let’s see is a list of 10 healthy foods that can help prevent breast cancer.
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10 Healthy Foods That Can Prevent Breast Cancer
When it comes to healthy green vegetables, you might think of broccoli. Broccoli is one of the cruciferous vegetables. It can help prevent breast cancer. Generally, the most significant point of broccoli is its ability to reduce tumor growth. Broccoli contains glucosinolate compounds. These compounds play an essential role in lowering the risk of tumor growth. Even if breast cancer has spread, broccoli will reduce the further increase. Besides, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli have anti-cancer benefits. These benefits will be evident, especially when you consume this vegetable regularly. You can have broccoli every day or mix it with other cruciferous vegetables.
Turmeric is well-known as an anti-inflammatory element. Generally, we use turmeric to prevent different types of diseases and infections. Similarly, turmeric plays an essential role in preventing breast cancer. However, turmeric contains curcumin. Besides, it also contains vitamins, fatty acids, polyphenol antioxidants, etc. These elements provide excellent protection against breast cancer. Try to add turmeric according to your drug therapies. Turmeric might not provide a great amount of curcumin.
You have to take additional drugs for that. But turmeric can reduce inflammation caused by breast cancer. It will improve when you add it along with other cruciferous vegetables. But you have to consult with the doctor before adding excess turmeric to your diet. You have to ensure the turmeric might not interfere with chemotherapy.
Garlic is another helpful element in preventing breast cancer. Generally, garlic has some excellent healthy compounds that help reduce the risk of tumor growth and inflammation. Garlic contains allyl sulfide that helps prevent cancer. This component has excellent properties. For example, allyl sulfide helps cell cyclingThat means this compound regulates the healthy cell that becomes cancerous. This compound helps those cells regulate themselves properly. Moreover, garlic contains flavonoid antioxidants, vitamin C, and other nutrients that have anti-cancer features. So, garlic plays an essential role in preventing the risk of cancer. But you must consult a doctor before taking garlic supplements.
You might have heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This might be an old saying. But apples have a lot of beneficial elements that will help prevent breast cancer. Apples and the skin of apples have vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other healthy elements. These elements will prevent cancer growth. It will prevent the inflammation and infection caused by cancer. One to two servings of apples a week can help you prevent breast cancer to a great extent. But like with other foods, you have to ensure that apples might not interact with other drugs for cancer.
You may be aware that most berries are high in antioxidants and vitamins. Berries also can prevent breast cancer. Berries can decrease breast cancer cell growth and oxidation. Generally, berries have a lot of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Moreover, berries have flavonoids and anthocyanin compounds. These compounds will prevent cellular damage. As a result, the chance of risking breast cancer will also increase. Berries can help reduce estrogen receptor-negative (ER−) breast cancer. However, different berries, like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc have different tastes and colors. So, you can enjoy these berries in your diet plan. You can get the advantage of preventing breast cancer.
Salmon fish
Salmon is one of the most popular fish with a protein source. You might have heard that omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, etc. These are great nutrients for the prevention of breast cancer. Salmon contains all of these ingredients. First, salmon is an excellent source of protein and omega-3.
These elements help regulate the growth of the cells in your body. So, the chance of cancer cell development will be low. Moreover, vitamin B12 contains methylcobalamin, which is effective in cancer treatment. Besides, omega-3 containing foods like salmon are effective for anti-cancer benefits.
However, you can consume salmon regularly. Moreover, adding other healthy foods like broccoli, turmeric, onions, etc. with the salmon will be more beneficial for preventing breast cancer.
Another fruit that can be pretty effective in preventing breast cancer is pomegranates. Generally, pomegranates have healthy compounds. These are effective for preventing estrogen-dependent cancers like breast cancer.
Besides, polyphenols are an essential element of pomegranates. This compound will help reduce cancer cell growth and induce antioxidant properties.
However, when you plan a diet for cancer prevention or cure, all the foods might not be tasty. So, pomegranates or pomegranate juice can be a delicious alternative to your diet plan. You can also make juice from pomegranates and make your cancer prevention diet more healthy and tasty.
Flax Seed
You might already know that omega-3 is pretty effective in preventing breast cancer. Flaxseed is a significant source of omega-3. Moreover, flaxseed has lignans and fiber. These elements are pretty capable of protecting your body’s cells. These elements will act as protective shields against cancer cells.
Moreover, lignans are effective at reducing breast cancer cell growth. The healthy ingredients in flaxseed will also improve your metabolism. So, a secured metabolic system will prevent the risk of breast cancer. Besides, you can add either flaxseed or flaxseed oil to your diet plan according to your choice.
Green Tea
You might have heard about the health benefits of green tea. But it can also be an effective drink for preventing breast cancer. Generally, green tea contains a great number of catechins, photo-chemicals, and other elements.
These elements of green tea have a great impact on your metabolism and immune system. Generally, the stronger your metabolism, the lower your chance of cancer growth. So, green tea elements will make your health balanced so that you can gain a secured immune system.
You might know that cancer cells increase inflammation. Green tea is also beneficial in preventing inflammation caused by breast cancer. Moreover, the healthy properties of green tea will reduce tumor growth.
Final Thoughts
A lot of foods have health benefits that can prevent breast cancer. But the mentioned foods have the property of reducing the risk of breast cancer cell growth. In particular, estrogen-related cancer cell growth is especially reduced by using these healthy foods. However, these foods might not save you from cancer, but they will reduce the chance of tumor growth and the spread of cancer cells. Moreover, some foods will reduce inflammation. But for all these foods, you have to notice whether the food’s contents interact with cancer drugs or not.